Lisa Alexander
Project Leader
Lisa is a Professor at the Climate Change Research Centre and is a Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. Her work mainly focuses on the creation of observational datasets and their comparison with state-of-the-art climate models. She started this project through frustration at being unable to easily access, share and update datasets.
Contact: l.alexander@unsw.edu.au

Markus Donat
Research Associate
Markus is a climate researcher interested in understanding climate extreme events and their changes in relation to both global warming and climate variability. To achieve this, he uses and develops observational datasets, as reference and evaluation counterpart for climate model simulations. After more than seven years at UNSW’s Climate Change Research Centre, Markus now co-leads the Climate Prediction Group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

Margot Bador
Margot’s research focuses on climate extremes, their variability and changes, and underlying mechanisms. She uses climate indices in observations and climate models to assess how extremes are affected by climate change, and the respective role of the anthropogenic influence and natural climate variability. After working for 5 years at UNSW (Australia), she is now a climate researcher at CNRS, based at CECI (France).

Nicholas Herold
Technical Support
Nicholas has over a decade of experience in climate science and has conducted research in Europe, the United States and Australia. His passion lies in helping others understand and use climate data, whether it relates to climate change or variability, or performing data analysis or modelling. He has a particular interest in climate extremes and paleoclimate modelling.

Jorge Luis Vazquez-Aguirre
Jorge Luis Vazquez-Aguirre is a Lecturer/Researcher in Atmospheric Science at the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. He is a member of the CCl/WCRP/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices. He is also a member of GFCS Implementation Task Team for WMO-RA-IV in addition to being a member of CONACYT's Hydrometeorological and Climatic Disaster Reduction Network (REDESClim).

Robert Dunn
Robert's work covers a wide range of climate monitoring activities, from quality control and access to in-situ sub-daily observations, through development of datasets and analyses of extremes as captured by climate indices, to editing the Global Climate chapter of the BAMS State of the Climate report. He is a scientist in the Climate Monitoring and Attribution team at the Met Office Hadley Centre, having previously worked in astrophysics in Munich, Southampton and Cambridge.

Phuong Loan Nguyen
Phuong Loan Nguyen is an early career researcher at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. Her main interests are precipitation and extremes, their representation in climate models, and future changes. Her work involves applying a benchmarking framework that includes observational uncertainty and a process-based understanding of regional domains worldwide, in order to address common modelling limitations (e.g., parameterization schemes) and how these imitations could impact future projection. She plans to develop regional climate simulations that contribute to informed decision-making processes, enhancing our ability to address climate change challenges.

Rachael Isphording
Rachael Isphording is a PhD Candidate at the Climate Change Research Center and the Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes at the University of New South Wales. Her research broadly focuses on water security in a changing climate. She uses climate indices calculated from regional climate model (RCM) simulations and observations to assess RCM performance and ultimately improve stakeholder usability of these datasets.

Yuvraj Singh
Research Assistant
Yuvraj Singh is a Computer Science honours graduate with a specialization in AI and Machine Learning. He is currently working for the Climate Change Research Center at UNSW managing the Climpact website and backend. He also works at the Biological, Earth and Environment School UNSW for the Clean Air School project, analysing air quality measurements in Australian schools. He has a passion for machine learning, building software, and data engineering.